Dayton, OH - 2006

Flea market...                                                                    Flea market...


Tuning for pile-up competition...                                        INRAD with W2VJN


Part of the ICOM display:                                                International exhibitors:

K3LR team hook up...                                     Good old friend:


Little chat with a famous old timer:                                 After so many years finally we meet in person:

Hey...Zoli (HA9RC). I bought the IC706 for you from       
this gentleman:                                                                     LU1NR in his water cooled space suite:

The main hall:                                                                     Motorcycle station:             

This is only part of the scores. Pat, N9RV won the competition with 59 calls and received a nice IC7000...
Second place W9WI with 54 and I shared the third place with a couple of others with 53.. Again, it was a
very successful meeting and fun: